Read these conditions carefully

These General Conditions of Use, Conditions of Sale and Privacy Policy regulate the use of the website, "", of which Riviera Mediacom is the owner.< br />
Riviera Mediacom, (hereinafter Parfumerie Jolymome) has its registered office at 62 Bd de la République, 06400 Cannes, France registered in the Enregistrée à l'INSEE le 31-08-2021, with number of FR50902778075

These Conditions establish the rights and obligations of all users of Parfumerie Jolymome, in relation to the products and services we offer through our website "", (hereinafter the "Shop" ).

  • Obligations of the User.

    1. The User undertakes, in general, to use the Store, to acquire the Products and to use each of the Store services diligently, in accordance with the law, morality, public order and the provisions in these General Conditions, and must also refrain from using them in any way that could prevent, damage or deteriorate the normal operation and enjoyment of the Store by Users or that could injure or cause damage to the assets and rights of Parfumerie Jolymome, its suppliers, Users or in general of any third party.
  • Products and Services.

    1. Parfumerie Jolymome reserves the right to decide, at any time, the Products that are offered to Users through the Store. In particular, Parfumerie Jolymome may at any time add new Products to those offered or included in the Store, understanding that unless otherwise provided, such new Products will be governed by the provisions of these General Conditions. Likewise, Parfumerie Jolymome reserves the right to stop providing or facilitating access and use at any time and without prior notice of any of the different classes of Products offered in the Store.
    2. The Products included in the Store will correspond faithfully to the Products actually offered. The prices indicated in the Store are in Euros and include VAT, unless otherwise indicated.
    3. This merchant agrees not to allow any transaction that is illegal, or is considered by the credit card brands or the acquiring bank, that may or has the potential to damage their goodwill or negatively influence in them. The following activities are prohibited under the card brand programs: the sale or offer of a product or service that is not in full compliance with all laws applicable to the Buyer, Issuing Bank, Merchant, Cardholder, or cards. Parfumerie Jolymome reserves the right to cancel or reject any order from a User-Customer with whom it is in dispute regarding the payment of a previous order.
      In addition, the sale of alcoholic beverages to third parties is also explicitly prohibited. under 18 years of age.
    4. Orders placed on the Internet through contain contractual data between the User-Customer and the store that will be confirmed and compiled by both parties before shipment.
    5. Parfumerie Jolymome undertakes to accept orders in accordance with the terms of the general conditions of sale set forth herein. The User-Client declares to know and accept these general conditions of sale before confirming their orders. The confirmation of an order implies, therefore, the acceptance of these General Conditions of Sale. Unless proven otherwise, the data recorded by the store constitutes proof of the set of transactions carried out between Parfumerie Jolymome and its customers.
  • Procedure and Form of Payment of the Products.

    1. Within a maximum period of twenty-four (24) hours, Parfumerie Jolymome will send an email to the User, confirming the purchase. Said email will assign a reference code for the purchase, and will detail the characteristics of the Product, its price, shipping costs and the data of the different options to make the payment of the Products to Parfumerie Jolymome.
    2. The User who purchases a product through the Store must make the payment through the payment systems specifically detailed in the Store.
    3. Parfumerie Jolymome will file the electronic documents in which the contract is formalized, sending a copy to the User once the purchase is made. The contract will be made in the Spanish language.
    4. The order confirmation sent by Parfumerie Jolymome is not valid as an invoice, only as proof of purchase. Parfumerie Jolymome will send the corresponding invoice by email and the user can also download it from their account. Likewise, the client has the right to receive, free of charge, the paper invoice when voluntarily or by legal obligation, they have expressly requested it.
    Shipping Costs
    Country CP/CC Zone Transportation
    Germany DE III GLS
    Austria AT IV GLS
    Belgium BE IV GLS
    Bulgaria BG VI GLS
    Croatia HR VI GLS
    Denmark DK IV GLS
    Slovakia SK V GLS
    Slovenia SIM V GLS
    Estonian EE VI GLS
    Finland IF VI GLS
    France FR III GLS
    Hungary HU V GLS
    Ireland IE VI GLS
    Italy IT IV GLS
    Latvia LV VI GLS
    Lithuania LT VI GLS
    Luxembourg LU IV GLS
    Monaco MC III GLS
    Netherlands NL IV GLS
    Poland PL V GLS
    Portugal PT I CORREOS EXP
    United Kingdom GB V GLS
    Czech Republic CZ IV GLS
    Romania RO VI GLS
    Sweden SE VI GLS
    Vatican VA IV GLS
    Others (EU) Consult / Consult

    ** No shipments are made to Switzerland, Norway, Iceland, Russia, Macedonia, San Marino, Andorra, Turkey, Greece, Malta and European islands such as Guernsey.< /p>

    Kilos/Zones I III IV V VI
    0.00 -2.99 Kg 4.75 8.4 9.2 10,15 11.8
    t3.00 - 4.99 Kg 5.25 11.95 15 18.45 23.85
    t5.00 - 9.99 Kg 5,9 15.4 16.75 20.75 32.8
    t10.00 - 20.00 Kg 8.35 16,15 19.6 21.7 34
  • Customer Service

    1. For any incident, claim or exercise of their rights, the User may send an email to the address</a > or call --PHONE--.
  • Home Delivery Service

    We offer a standard delivery period of 24-72 working hours when the product is in stock or once we receive the products according to the availability indicated. When making the purchase, under "add to cart", the availability of each product appears: you can check if it is in stock or in how many days we receive it. In the event of any problem, we could quickly contact you to be able to ship as soon as possible.
    Orders of the day will be considered those ordered via the web or by phone before 5:00 p.m. :30 hours, with the only exception of those whose chosen means of payment is bank transfer, in which the order will be included on the day the amount is received (duly indicated with the order number in the concept) in our current account.
    In the case of orders to the Balearic Islands, the delivery time is 48-72 h.
    In no case can you choose time slot of arrival of the order at the time of making it.

  • Intellectual and Industrial Property.

    1. The User acknowledges that all the elements of the Store and of each one of the Products, the information and materials contained therein, the brands, the structure, selection, arrangement and presentation of its contents, and the computer programs used in connection with them, are protected by the intellectual and industrial property rights of Parfumerie Jolymome itself or of third parties, and that the General Conditions do not grant it, with respect to said industrial and intellectual property rights, any rights other than those specifically contemplated in the same.
    2. Unless authorized by Parfumerie Jolymome or, where appropriate, by the third-party holders of the corresponding rights, or unless this is legally permitted, the User may not reproduce, transform, modify, disassemble, reverse engineer, distribute, rent , lend, make available, or allow access to the public through any form of public communication of any of the elements referred to in the previous paragraph. The User must use the materials, elements and information that they access through the use of the Store only for their own needs, agreeing not to directly or indirectly carry out a commercial exploitation of the materials, elements and information obtained through the same.
    3. The User must refrain from evading or manipulating any technical devices established by Parfumerie Jolymome or by third parties in the Store.
  • Data Protection.

    In order to guarantee and protect the privacy and confidentiality of the personal data of the Users of our website and in order to protect their intimacy and privacy, we have drafted, in accordance with current legislation, the Privacy Policy
    The terms contained in it and especially the duty of confidentiality will be mandatory for all internal or external personnel who work or could work with us and who have access to the data you provide us, either while browsing our website, or by using our forms. or during the contracting or provision of services.
    We reserve the right to modify the content of this Privacy Policy, in order to adapt it to new legislation or jurisprudence, as well as reports or opinions issued by the French Law No. 78-17 of January 6, 1978, modified, relating to data processing, files and freedoms and the GDPR.
    In the event that we are going to use the personal data of Users, Potential Clients or Clients, in a manner different from what is established in the Privacy Policy in force at the time of providing us with the data; or in the event that we are going to treat them for purposes other than those indicated at the time you provide us with your data, we will make every effort to contact you as affected, to inform you and obtain your consent again. Otherwise, we will not use the data for different purposes.
    We advise Users that, each time they access our website, they review this text to make sure of the purposes and uses that we can make of it. your data.
    The Privacy Policy, will be part of and will be permanently linked to the provisions of our Legal Notice, in the Legal Conditions of the contracted service and in our Cookie Policy.
    At all times we will indicate the date of the last update of the Privacy Policy so that Users know the effective content that applies to them and the date of the last revision.
    Riviera Mediacom certifies that this Privacy Policy is in adapted to Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council, of April 27, 2016, regarding the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and the free circulation of these data (hereinafter GDPR).

  • Passwords.

    Parfumerie Jolymome will facilitate the use of personal passwords for the user who registers as such on the website. These passwords will be used to access the services provided through the Website. The user must keep the passwords under their sole responsibility in the strictest and absolute confidentiality, assuming, therefore, how many damages or consequences of all kinds derived from the breach or disclosure of the secret. For security reasons, the password for telematic access to the services linked to the Website may be modified at any time by the user. The User undertakes to notify Parfumerie Jolymome immediately of any unauthorized use of their password, as well as access by unauthorized third parties to it.

  • Cookies.

    1. Parfumerie Jolymome uses cookies in order to improve its services, facilitate navigation, maintain security, verify the User's identity, facilitate access to personal preferences and track their use of the Store. Cookies are files installed on the computer's hard drive or in the browser's memory in the folder preconfigured by the operating system of the User's computer to identify it.
    2. If the User does not want a cookie to be installed on their hard drive, they must configure their Internet browsing program to not receive them. Likewise, the User may freely destroy cookies. In the event that the User decides to disable cookies, the quality and speed of the service may decrease and, even, they will lose access to some of the services offered in the Store.
  • Conflict resolution

    We inform consumers that the online consumer dispute resolution platform (“ODR Platform”) is operational , Online Dispute Resolution”) for all the countries of the European Union, including Spain.
    In the case of Spain, the European Commission has designated the European Consumer Center attached to the Spanish Agency for Consumer Affairs, Food Safety and Nutrition, as the contact point of the platform, to assist and support the presentation of claims through the aforementioned platform.
    From the entry into force of Directive 2013/11/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of May 21, 2013, regarding the alternative resolution of consumer disputes and of Regulation 524/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council, we are obliged to inform about the existence of the platform to our buyers. Hence, we inform our Users that in the event of any conflict with the consumer of Parfumerie Jolymome, there is a new, simple, multilingual and accessible European procedure for resolving them. Which consists of the following:
    The consumer must access this platformand complete the online claim form. Once filled out, it will be sent from the same platform. The claim will be sent to Parfumerie Jolymome, who will propose an alternative dispute resolution entity to the consumer. Once the consumer and the seller agree on the mediation entity that will resolve their conflict, the platform will send the claim to the chosen entity.
    The mediation entity will deal with the case electronically and will propose a solution within a maximum period of 90 days.”

  • Comments and suggestions

    Your comments, complaints and suggestions are welcome. Please send us such comments or suggestions through our email